"Fe wnes i wir fwynhau dysgu'r pwnc eleni ac roedd y myfyrwyr yn llawer mwy agored i'w drafod o fewn yr ystafell ddosbarth a dwi'n meddwl fod hyn i lawr i'r adnoddau"
Athrawes Blwyddyn 6
"O'r holl adnoddau rydym wedi'u prynu ar gyfer ysgolion, dyma'r rhai sydd wedi cael yr effaith fwyaf. Mae athrawon bellach yn fwy hyderus wrth gyflwyno addysg rhyw a pherthnasoedd gan ddefnyddio'r adnoddau hyn. Gwych. Diolch yn fawr am wneud ein gwaith yn haws"
Cynghorydd Iechyd Ysgol
"Roeddwn yn arfer gofyn i fachgen a merch orwedd ar bapur a thynnu amlinelliad o'u corff ond roedd hyn yn gwneud y wers yn rhy bersonol i'r plant a ddewiswyd. Mae'r adnoddau hyn yn wych gan eu bod ar gael yn rhwydd ac mae'n osgoi embaras i blant"
Athro Blwyddyn 2
"Roedd y strategaethau Amser Cylch yn darparu amgylchedd ddiogel ar gyfer trafod materion sensitif"
Athro Blwyddyn 5 & 6
"Adnoddau parod o ansawdd uchel sy'n sicrhau cysondeb ymysg staff addysgu"
Athro Blwyddyn 6
"Mae'r adnoddau hyn wedi fy ngalluogi i fod yn hyderus wrth addysgu materion sensitif"
Athrawes Blwyddyn 2
"Mae'r adnoddau hyn yn briodol ac yn ddiddorol ar gyfer oedran cynradd. Mae plant wedi mwynhau eu defnyddio"
Athrawon Blwyddyn 4
"Mae'r plant wedi mwynhau'r gwersi yn fawr"
Athrawon Blwyddyn 6
"Mae'r mat llawr a'r gweithgareddau rhyngweithiol wedi cynyddu hyder athrawon wrth gyflwyno pynciau sensitif"
"Mae'r gweithgareddau amser cylch yn caniatáu trafodaethau agored"
Athrawon Blwyddyn 3
"Mae'r adnoddau wedi mynd i lawr yn dda gyda'r plant yng Nghyfnod Allweddol 1 a 2. Rwy'n hoff iawn o'r cymeriadau"
"Dwi'n hoffi'n fawr eich bod yn gallu dewis y cymeriadau. Mae'n ei wneud yn fwy addas ar gyfer ein myfyrwyr amrywiol"
"Adnoddau defnyddiol iawn gyda chynlluniau gwersi clir"
Athro Blwyddyn 4
"Mae'r adnoddau yn effeithiol iawn, yn briodol ar gyfer oedran ac nid yn fygythiol i athrawon eu defnyddio"
Athro Blwyddyn 5 & 6
"Mwynheais yn fawr ddefnyddio'r adnoddau"
Athro Blwyddyn 6
"Roeddwn i braidd yn bryderus o addysgu addysg rhyw a pherthnasoedd ond mae'r adnoddau hyn wedi galluogi myfyrwyr i drafod materion yn naturiol. Roedd llawer o gyfleoedd i fyfyrwyr ofyn cwestiynau"
Athro Blwyddyn 5
"Roedd y plant wedi mwynhau'r sesiynau cymaint fel eu bod yn gofyn pryd fyddai'r gwersi nesaf"
Athro Blwyddyn 6
"Rwy'n hoffi defnyddio cardiau'r glasoed yn hytrach na defnyddio unrhyw offer electronig gan ei fod yn rhoi llawer o gyfleoedd i drafod y pethau perthnasol sy'n bwysig i blant. Dwi'n meddwl ei fod yn fwy personol ac yn haws i'r plant"
Athro Blwyddyn 5
"Mae plant yn derbyn pan fyddwn yn defnyddio'r derminoleg gywir ar gyfer yr organau rhywiol"
Athro Blwyddyn 2
"Roedd yr ymatebion gan rieni a llywodraethwyr yn gadarnhaol iawn"
"Diolch am hyfforddiant ardderchog, mwynhaodd pawb, gwych"
Dirprwy Bennaeth
"Ardderchog!!! Roedd y plant a finnau wrth eu boddau yn defnyddio'r matiau a'r cardiau ac mae'r rhieni wrth eu boddau ein bod yn trafod y pwnc yn yr ysgol”
"Mae'r rhieni wedi mwynhau'r hyfforddiant yn fawr a rhoesant adborth cadarnhaol iawn ar y profiadau y mae eu plant yn eu cael ar draws yr ystod oedran yn yr ysgol"
"Roedd ymateb y plant yn y dosbarth yn wych. Roedden nhw mor aeddfed ... Roedden nhw'n chwilio amdanaf fi ar adegau i ddangos llyfrau cyfeirio a ffeithiau i mi am y glasoed roedden nhw wedi dod o hyd iddyn nhw ... Mae rhiant wedi cysylltu â'r ysgol i ddweud bod ei mab yn trafod yr hyn a addysgwyd yn y gwersi yn agored iawn tra'n cael pryd bwyd – ffantastig”
"O'r diwedd mae gennym becyn cynhwysfawr i ddarparu addysg rhyw a pherthnasoedd o ansawdd uchel mewn ysgolion cynradd, bydd hyn yn sicrhau bod gan ysgolion yr adnoddau priodol i ddarparu addysg o ansawdd uchel"
Ymgynghorydd Addysg
"Rwyf wedi gweld newid mawr yn y wybodaeth sydd gan fyfyrwyr blwyddyn 7 am gyffwrdd priodol ac amhriodol a blaenlencyndod. Mae myfyrwyr yn llawer mwy gwybodus ac rwy'n credu'n gryf bod hyn yn seiliedig ar ddefnyddio'r adnoddau rhyngweithiol hyn. Mae'r cynnydd hwn mewn gwybodaeth gan fyfyrwyr blwyddyn 7 hefyd wedi cael effaith gadarnhaol ar ddarpariaeth addysg rhyw a pherthnasoedd mewn ysgolion uwchradd"
Nyrs Iechyd Ysgol
"Rwy'n falch iawn bod yr adnoddau hyn yn briodol ar gyfer plant ag Anghenion Dysgu Ychwanegol. Rwy'n eu defnyddio gyda phlant a phobl ifanc awtistig ... maen nhw'n grêt"
Nyrs Anabledd Plant
"Mae'r adnoddau hyn yn hawdd eu defnyddio ac yn briodol iawn i blant a phobl ifanc ag Anghenion Dysgu Ychwanegol"
Nyrs Anabledd Plant
"Diolch yn fawr am eich cyflwyniad addysgiadol a phleserus ddoe. Mae'r cynnwys a natur gyfeillgar yr adnodd hwn wedi gwneud argraff fawr arnaf, a gwn y caiff dderbyniad da gan bawb"
Nyrs Iechyd Ysgol
"Rwy'n credu bod yr adnoddau'n ffantastic, rydym yn mynd i archebu rhai matiau ar gyfer ein hysgolion"
Ymgynghorydd Addysg
"Gwych, mae'n adnodd ardderchog. Bydd pob ysgol yn eu cael erbyn y tymor nesaf"
Nyrs Iechyd Ysgol
“Cafodd ein gweithwyr allweddol ar gyfer camdrin domestig eu plesio'n llwyr fel y ycefais i”
Nyrs Iechyd Ysgol
"Diolch am sesiwn hyfforddi wirioneddol ddefnyddiol ac adnodd gwych!"
Ymarferydd Ysgolion Iach
"Roedd yr hyfforddiant yn llawn gwybodaeth ac yn rhoi llawer i ni feddwl amdano"
Ymgynghorydd Addysg
"Rwy'n falch iawn bod y pwnc hwn yn cael ei ddysgu yn yr ysgol a'i fod yn cael ei wneud mewn modd sensitif gan ddefnyddio adnoddau priodol i’r oedran"
Ymgynghorydd Addysg
"Diolch yn fawr iawn am sesiwn hyfforddi'r hyfforddwyr, rydym wedi cael llawer o hwyl yn rhaeadru'r hyfforddiant i ysgolion yn yr Awdurdod Lleol. Mae'r adnoddau wedi cael eu derbyn yn dda iawn gan y staff a'r llywodraethwyr ac maent i gyd wedi canmol ansawdd y rhain ... Diolch enfawr am wneud popeth mor hawdd i ni!"
Ymgynghorydd Addysg
Testimonials from Primary School Teachers and Health Professionals (Cyfieithiad i ddilyn yn fuan...)
Testimonials from primary school teachers and health professionals about the resources and training sessions I have undertaken
“I really enjoyed teaching the subject this year and the students were far more open to discuss within the classroom and I think this was down to the resources”
Year 6 teacher
“Of all the resources we have purchased for schools these are the ones which has had the most impact. Teachers are now more confident in presenting sex and relationships education using these resources. Brilliant thank you so much for making our job easier”
Senior Healthy Schools Practitioner
“I used to ask a boy and girl to lie on paper and draw an outline of their body but this made the lesson too personal to the children chosen. These resources are fantastic as they readily available and avoids children from being embarrassed”
Year 2 teacher
“The Circle Time strategies provided a safe environment for discussing sensitive matters”
Year 6 teacher
“High quality, readymade resources which ensure consistency among teaching staff”
Year 6 teacher
“These resources have enabled me to be confidence in teaching sensitive issues”
Year 2 teacher
“These resources are appropriate and interesting for primary age Children have enjoyed using them”
Year 4 teachers
“Children have really enjoyed the lessons”
Year 6 teachers
“The floor mat and the interactive activities have increased teachers confidence in presenting sensitive subjects”
Head teacher
“The Circle Time activities allows for opens discussions”
Year 3 teachers
“The resources have really gone down well with the children both in the Key Stage 1 and 2. I love the characters”
Head teacher
“I really like that you can choose the characters it makes it more suitable for our diverse students”
Head teacher
“Very useful resources with clear lesson plans”
Year 4 teacher
“The resources are very effective, age appropriate and non-threatening for teachers to use”
Year 5 & 6 teacher
“I really enjoyed using the resources”
Year 6 teacher
“I was rather apprehensive of teaching sex and relationships education but these resources have enabled students to discuss matters naturally. There were lots of opportunities for student’s to ask questions”
Year 5 teacher
“Children had enjoyed the sessions so much that they were asking when the next lessons would be”
Year 6 teacher
“I like using the puberty cards rather than using anything electronic because it provides lots of opportunities to discuss relevant things that matter to children. I think it’s more personal and easier for the children”
Year 5 teacher
“Children are very matter of fact when we use the proper terminology for the genitals”
Year 2 teacher
“The responses from parents and governors were very positive”
Head teacher
“Thank you for an excellent training, everyone enjoyed it, great stuff”
Deputy Head teacher
“Excellent!!! The children and I really enjoyed using the mats and the cards and the parents are thrilled that we are reaching the subject in school”
Head teacher
“The parents have really enjoyed the training and they gave very positive feedback on the experiences their children have across the age range in school”
Head teacher
“The children’s response in the classroom was fantastic. They were so mature….. They were looking for me on occasions to show me reference books and facts about puberty they had found…..A parent has contacted the school to say that her son was discussing what was taught in the lessons very openly whilst having dinner – fantastic”
Head teacher
“At last we have a comprehensive package to deliver high quality sex and relationships education in primary schools, this will ensure that schools have the appropriate tools to deliver high quality education”
Education Advisor
“I have seen a great change in the knowledge that year 7 students have about appropriate and inappropriate touching and puberty. Students are much more informed and I firmly believe that this is down to the use of these interactive resources. This increase in knowledge that year 7 students poses has also impacted positively on secondary school sex and relationships education provision”
School Health Nurse
“I am so please to these resources are appropriate for children with Additional Learning Needs. I use them with autistic children and young people… they are great”
Children’s Disability Nurse
“These resources are user friendly and very appropriate for children and young people with Additional Learning Needs”
Children’s Disability Nurse
“Many thanks for your informative and enjoyable delivery yesterday. I am really impressed with the content and the child friendly nature of this resource, and I know it will be well received by all”
Healthy Schools Practitioner
“I think the resources are fantastic, we are going to order some mats for our schools”
Healthy Schools Practitioner
“Great stuff, it is really fab resource. All schools will have them by next term”
Healthy Schools Practitioner
"Our Primary Workers for domestic abuse were both totally impressed as was I”
Healthy Schools Practitioner
“Thanks Judith for a really helpful training session and a brilliant resource!”
Healthy Schools Practitioner
“The training was very informative and gave us all lots to think about”
Healthy Schools Practitioner
“I am very pleased that this subject is being taught at school and that it is done in a sensitive manner using age appropriate resources”
Education Advisor
“A huge thanks for the train the trainers session, we've had loads of fun cascading the training to schools in the Local Authority. The resources have been really well received by staff and governors and they have all praised the quality of them….. a huge thanks for making everything so easy for us!”
Education Advisor
Testimonials from Primary and Special Educational Needs Students
“I think the lesson about not touching people in a way they don’t like is very important”
“I have learnt to say no if someone touches me in a way I don’t like”
“I enjoyed learning the proper name for parts of the body”
“I’ve learnt how to stay safe”
“I’ve learnt that there are people I can talk to if I’m worried about anything”
“I liked learning more about the body and talking about things I didn’t know with my teacher”
“I enjoyed the puberty lessons because I now know how to handle them when I'm older and wiser”
“I enjoyed the lesson because I liked the part when we put the stuff in the right place on the mats”
“I enjoyed using the mats because if you didn’t know any parts of the body, how would you know what’s going on when you are grown up”
“I enjoyed learning about puberty because it is true that is is going to happen to you”
“learning about the changes that will happen to me like growing hair around my penis and sweating a lot more was cool because I have to go through it all when I’m older”
“I have enjoyed learning what is going to happen through the years and I am not as worried now”
“Cool – learning about what will happen to my penis and other things and knowing about girl and boy stuff. I’m glad I had the lessons in case I get afraid when I'm older”
“I will now talk to my parents about growing up because I was embarrassed before the lessons”
“I’m really happy that I learnt with my friends. I enjoyed the mat because it shows you what you clearly what happens to you. It also helped me understand that when I start my period it is all normal”
“I like talking about periods because every girl will have them”
“I have started my periods and I was glad to talk about them in the lesson”
“learning about periods was not frightening”
“I have learnt not to be worried about the changes that happen to me in puberty because it the changes will happen to everyone”
“I have learnt I shouldn’t be embarrassed about how my body will change because it will happen to everyone”
“I enjoyed putting the different cards on the mats and learning how the body changes”
“I’ve learnt where the organs are inside my body”
“The lesson about the body was cool, I really liked the skeleton”
“I enjoyed learning how alcohol and smoking affects the body”
“I have learnt a lot about the body and how it works”
“I will always remember how alcohol and smoking travels around inside of the body and how they can effect people’s health”